Tell Us ....

Please take time to share ideas with us about the website. Suggestions really are welcome and will be seriously considered for additions or revisions.

We also would like to hear some Fiji stories from you. We intend to add several of these stories to the stories section on another page (Be sure to include your name with your story).

Some possible ideas for stories...

(1) Things I remember about my pledge training days
(2) Fiji Island stories
(3) Fraternity athletics (victories or defeats)
Pledge Swap dates that were memorable/forgettable
(5) Campus Election stories (victories)
(6) Fiji projects and what they meant to you

You may also use this page to submit some fraternity gatherings you would like for us to post to let area Fiji's know of your plans.

Take time to post/update your bio. Your brothers would enjoy reading what is happening in your life. A recent picture would be nice too! The quality of the bio section depends on your response, so help us make the biography section meaningful to all brothers.

Submit your comments/submissions to the webmaster:


